4K修复圆上去年在猫本“Young at Heart”没看的遗憾不过德语对白一概不译有点影响观感(那个小胖子说的什么)最后一部分分量相当重的追逐戏相当好看最近免费中文字幕MV免费高清版不仅仅是地下水道的庞大繁复和时代背景所产生的拍摄难度更有亡命之徒Harry(Orson Welles)逃生过程中不断呈现的情绪变化
This is my country! Not anymore! It's Lindbergh's. It is tje Jew haters'. It is the America Forsters'. It is the people who chase children down the street, asking questions, and then deport their families to Kentucky. It's their country. And if we run?If we quit? Then they win. And they do not get to win.